Tag Archives: Jackson Rathbone


Ugly Girl – 100 Monkeys (live @ Venue in Vancouver)

[Kudos to @RobbedMyHeart]

2009: Here’s lookin’ at you kid!


What a year it’s been! I don’t know about you, but 2009 treated me pretty well. I’d say probably one of the best years I’ve had inside this decade. In retrospect, I can’t remember a lot of it – somehow. Nonetheless, I know 2009 was a goody.

Without further ado, here’s a final look at my most favourite and memorable moments of 2009!


Snow, snow, and more snow!

While the rest of Canada hadn’t yet received even an inch of snow, Mother nature dropped a wallop of snow on the West Coast. We were knee deep in Vancouver, literally.

Despite all the snow, the mountains left us with an amazing snowboard/ski season. Of course, I took advantage of our local mountains.

30 Cypress Mountain | Group

Cypress Mountain


Summer Heat wave

With early snowfall, comes a heat wave I will never forget. It was our turn to laugh at the rest of Canada. As they suffered through never-ending rain pours, floods, and cold, Vancouver was baking under the sun.

Fun times were had in the summer of ‘09.

BBQs, beach chill outs, PNE days, kayaking, hiking, biking, golfing, tennis-ing, and more!


The Weekend to End Breast Cancer fundraiser

My friends, Puma, ApuTheFish, and I – aka Team A.M.P. – decided to participate in the Weekend to End Breast Cancer. The object was to endure a two-day 60km walk to raise money to find a cure for breast cancer and other women’s cancers. Unfortunately, we never made our $6000 fundraising goal; thus, we were unable to participate in the journey.

We still had a tonne of fun working together to achieve our goal. Organizing our fundraising events were stressful and our training sessions were tiring, but we had good times. Most importantly, I learned a lot about each other: our work ethic, resilience, and friendship.

Thanks again to those who sponsored us!

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In 2009, I turned 23. Too old, yet still too young. It’s the uncool age, I think. I’m the middle runt of all my friends; this year, my closest friends ranged from 21 to 25. Yeah, we’re a crazy bunch – that’s why I love ‘em.



Twilight in Vancouver

How could this list of memories exist without my mention of Twilight? It can’t. Honestly, the 2nd and 3rd instalments of the Twilight Saga: New Moon and Eclipse being filmed in my hometown really made 2009 extra special.

Some would call me obsessed. I beg to differ. I wasn’t one of those people who would go out each and everyday looking for sets or hunting for the actors. I was lucky, really. I practically had to step into my backyard, so to speak, and I could stumble upon the Twilight actors.

Doing this was a lot easier when New Moon was filmed here in the Spring. No one cared too much that the actors were in town. You could probably only see two or three paparazzi or autograph hounds walking around at the most! The bigger stars like Taylor Lautner and Robert Pattinson could easily walk around without getting attacked.

In the Summer, everything changed. Taylor, Rob, and Kristen Stewart were on lockdown. Paparazzi, autograph hounds, and crazed Twilight fans from all around the world flocked to Vancouver when the 3rd instalment started filming just so they can catch a glimpse of their favourite star.

New Moon was actually fun in Vancouver. My partner-in-crime, TayloredMyPants, and I would always have lunch once a week in downtown – a weekly ritual if you will. After lunch, we’d take a walk and BOOM we’d see one of the actors.


Rachelle LeFevre | New Moon 0409 


Eclipse was a different story. It wasn’t easy seeing any of the actors. However, TMP and I – during lunch – saw Peter Facinelli (Dr. Carlisle Cullen). It was the first day the cast was in town for Eclipse and no one knew they were here yet. Peter was merely 50 metres away from us. We decided not to approach him and we gave him his peace because we knew that his peace and sanity may go out the window the very next day. On a couple of occasions though, I saw Elizabeth Reaser (Esme Cullen), Nikki Reed (Rosalie Hale), Kellan Lutz (Emmett Cullen) and Cameron Bright (Alec); again, not approaching either of them. However, one day while shopping with my mom downtown, I spotted "the humans" and decided to actually get my picture taken with them.


Basically, Twilight was a huge part of my 2009. Without it, the year would have been completely different. It wasn’t all about seeing the stars, I actually made new friends and acquaintances that I see from time to time during various other gatherings. Shout outs to RobbedMyHeart, Malicious Mandy, VampireMonkey99, LadyDispatcher, and everyone else who I’ve met throughout this whole ordeal!


Music – the food for my soul

The past year was an epic one for live shows AND for burning a hole through my wallet. Being a full-time student, it’s difficult to get out and watch live music when you barely even have a day off. However this year, if there was someone I really wanted to see, I had to go – no ifs, ands, or buts about it (maybe that’s why my GPA in ‘09 suffered? LOL).

Without a doubt, there was no way I was going to miss my favourites Jason Mraz and the Kings of Leon while they were in town.

This year I was opened to a door of new musicians. Most of the gigs I attended were at smaller venues and clubs, a far cry from my usual concerts at arenas like GM Place. Those were probably my most memorable shows.

Kings of Leon

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Jason Mraz with Bushwalla and K’Naan

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Bobby Long

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100 Monkeys with The Orphans and Thee Manipulators





Justin Nozuka




Sam Bradley
(photos taken on five separate occasions)



Hockey, eh!

They don’t call me canucklehead for nothin’ ya know. It seemed like anything I did in ‘09 revolved around hockey, specifically the Vancouver Canucks and some of the team members. See, I’m kind of best friends with some of them (or at least in my mind).

From watching the Vancouver Giants 2008-2009 season playoffs, invites to Vancouver Canucks private practices, meet-and-greets with Alex Burrows and Kyle Wellwood, being bff’s with Kevin Bieksa and Mason Raymond, getting to watch almost all of the Canucks’ December ‘09 games on home ice, to volunteering at GM Place, I can honestly say hockey was good to me in 2009.






Friends – my 2nd family

I don’t know how I’d survive 2009 without you all. From the random hang outs, long talks, tears and jeers, there was never a dull moment.

The latter third of ‘09 was especially unforgettable. You all know why, I’ll just leave it at that.

You were hanging in the corner
With your five best friends…

Andrea, Sara, Erica, Mia, and Ivy – thank you for making my 2009 super memorable.

It is now 2010 and so let’s raise our proverbial glasses in a toast to making the best of the New Year.

Love you long time!


Nardwuar vs. 100 Monkeys

Nardwuar the Human Serviette interviews the 100 Monkeys in Vancouver. I love Rathbone’s Disney 411 intro. Cute.
Doot doola doot doo… doot doo!

[via @Nardwuar ]

CONCERT REVIEW: Goin’ ape with 100 Monkeys!


Saturday night, I, along with Apu, TayloredMyPants and hundreds of fans rocked out next to a dumpster in an alley on the corner of Main St. and E. Hastings.


Though not the safest or cleanest area to chill out on a Saturday night, many ventured to the Rickshaw Theatre in Vancouver’s infamous downtown east side to catch Twilight saga’s Jackson Rathbone’s band, The 100 Monkeys, play a show.

The concert was to start at 8:00pm while doors were to open at 7:00. We were hoping to arrive there by 6:15pm knowing that the TwiHards were going to come super early to perhaps catch a glimpse of Rathbone (“Jasper Hale”). The three of us; however, were running late and knew we were probably going to be at the back of a long line.

Apu arrived at the theatre half-an-hour before us and txt’d me that the line had already stretched near a block long.

When TayloredMyPants and I finally caught up to Apu, I observed an eclectic variation of people in line — from the regular folk, the indie/rock crowd, older people, young’uns (including families with their children — I even saw a BABY!), and of course the TwiHards.

I also saw RobbedMyHeart & co. and a few familiar faces again!

As the line finally started moving, albeit way later than scheduled, the three of us planned to book it to the front row of seats or as close as we could get.

I walked through the theatre doors and there were already at least 80 people that crowded around the stage — there was open standing room floor space between the stage and the theatre seats which could fit a few hundred standing… This, we did not know.

And of course, as usual, everyone in front of me was taller than I was. Damn genes. To add to my problem, the theatre had no air conditioning or ventilation, so the room got hot very quickly. It felt like we were in a sauna.

We waited in our own sweat for the opening act, Vancouver’s own Thee Manipulators, to begin. However, someone else came on stage instead.

He was from a new band called The Orphans who are coming to play in Vancouver sometime next month. He was here to just “give us a little taste”.

Yeah, so he may have sported a bouffant from the Shakespearean era, but don’t let his looks fool you. He was pretty darn good — probably one of the best indie opening acts I’ve ever seen. Though he came solo, he used a pedal to perform the back beats, played his guitar ferociously, and made sure to keep his audience entertained with conversation.

If the full band is anything like this one guy, or better, I’ll be sure to check them out.

Next, Thee Manipulators came on stage with matching black cowboy shirts and red neckerchiefs. Yes, I said neckerchiefs. LOL.

They got off to a rough start having technical difficulties with their equipment. More waiting around.

A couple of the band members tried to entertain us by making conversation. Finally, a guy came up on stage – whether he was from the Rickshaw Theatre or a roadie, I’m not sure. But he spit out some beats and rapped for us until their equipment problems were resolved. Not too shabby.

Thee Manipulators weren’t my cup ‘o tea. I couldn’t hear any of the lyrics that were sung. But other than that, I just wasn’t a big fan. One of the band members; however, kept me into them only for the fact that he looks and acts like a hybrid of crazy Robert Downey, jr. and hot throb Uncle Jesse from Full House. Sorry if you disagree with me, but this was the only thing that got me going. And if you agree with me… *high five*! During one of their songs they threw into the crowd mini tambourines and maracas so that we can get involved. TayloredMyPants caught an orange maraca. Jealous. lol.

When their set ended, the theatre got even hotter and I can feel wet stickiness all over my body. The space around you and the people near you soon closed in even closer as nearly everyone was trying to jam themselves onto the floor. Next up was Rathbone and the boys.

Oh, and before I forget, I’d like to apologize to *anyone* whom I’ve rubbed my disgusting sweaty body up against during the show. Trust me when I say I tried avoiding you.

The 100 Monkeys came on stage to tune their instruments; meanwhile, my eardrums almost exploded due to the screaming fan girls all around me.

Before the 100 Monkeys officially began, I noticed a lot of camera flashes towards the side of the stage on the floor level, but speakers were blocking my way, so I couldn’t see. Next thing I knew, walking across the stage was Rathbone’s co-Twilight cast members, Nikki Reed (“Rosalie Hale”) and Elizabeth Reaser (“Esme Cullen”), along with Nikki’s current bf Paris Latsis (Paris Hilton’s ex). They climbed up an above-staged VIP seating area. Minutes later, TayloredMyPants told me to look up at the VIP area again — STEPHANIE MEYER (Twilight saga author) was also present. I KNOWWW!!! (Poor lighting and a not-so-awesome camera makes for really bad and grainy photos. Oh well, I tried.)

Throughout the whole 100 Monkeys performance, you could barely hear the boys sing (especially down on floor level) as all you could hear were girls screaming — usually for Rathbone. I also noticed that cameras were almost always being pointed towards Rathbone or the VIP area. I think it’s safe to say that the majority of the concert-goers actually came to see their fave Twilight stars.

They belted out song after song, even doing their famous ‘invent-a-song’ song. They asked suggestions for a topic from the crowd. The first person screamed out “ACORN!” That got rejected pretty quickly and everyone chuckled at the idea; one of the monkeys saying that suggestion sucked. After a dozen or so more crappy suggestions, they stuck with the original suggestion — Acorn. How uncreative are we?

The boys are very talented. Most bands stick to their one and only instrument. The 100 Monkeys; however, rotated almost after every song exchanging instruments with each other. And for the record, Rathbone played rhythm guitar, bass guitar, the keyboards, and drums.

One of my favourite moments of the performance was when Jackson Rathbone did a silly dance along with one of the songs. Too cute. See the video below.

It was a quarter-past-midnight and the show didn’t end yet, even though it was scheduled to finish at 11:00pm. The three of us decided to leave before the buses we needed quit running. I don’t think we wanted to be stuck in that neighbourhood in the middle of the night.

Despite the heat and moisture, the show was most excellent. I finally got to see Jackson Rathbone much closer — he was only 5 metres away from me!!

Good times.

Be sure to see the 100 Monkeys live in Vancouver again this Sunday evening at the Backstage Lounge at Granville Island. See their myspace page for more details.

***VIDEOS OF THE 100 MONKEYS at the Rickshaw Theatre below***

100 Monkeys in Vancouver 9/12/09 – The Monkey Song

100 Monkeys in Vancouver 9/12/09 – Jackson Rathbone’s dancing