From WordPress to Tumblr

School is over for this semester! That means I’m back to blogging semi-full time, right? Not quite. I’ve been stuck in a rut where I have no motivation to write. I first got WordPress a couple of years ago because the old writer in me had the desire to write, write, and write… about anything and everything. These days I just don’t have the same passion or time to put in the effort.

I still want to share my random thoughts with everyone, so I figured the best way to do this is through Tumblr. I’ve thought about this for a few months already. WP was amazing when I used to write entries upon end. Now, it’s too much for me. Tumblr, I find, is better for microblogging.

However, I’m not leaving WP quite yet. I still have to find a way to export all my old WP content to Tumblr. Hollar at me if you have any solutions.

later days,

Music Mondays | Til the End of Time – Timothy Bloom


Beautiful bodies. Unreal song. Powerful.

If I should die tomorrow
Oh please let there, let there be life
Lord, no need for sorrow,
Let’s just make love until the morning light

I want you to remember me…
Lead on my legacy until the end of time

’Til the End of Time – Timothy Bloom ft. V. Bozeman

[Props to @diamondnprinces for the find]

later days,

[Music Mondays] Dr. Aden–B.o.B

Dr. Aden – B.o.B.



later days,

Happy Pi Day!

Today is March 14th, aka 3.14! So have your pie, measure its circumference to its diameter, and eat it too.


Pi Day Song (Lose Yourself in the Digits)



later days,

How to help Japan




Not sure where you can go or how you can help? Here are some ways you, as Canadian humanitarians, can help the people of Japan recover from one of the most devastating earthquakes and tsunamis ever recorded in history.


Donate online at, call 1-800-418-1111, or text ASIA to 30333 to donate $5 from your phone.

Donate online or text JAPAN or TSUNAMI to 20222 to make a $10 donation from your phone.

Donate online or text QUAKE to 45678 to make a $10 donation from your phone.

CARE Canada
Donate online to

Donate online or text MED to 80888 to make a $10 donation from your phone.

Donate online at, an organization working with International Medical Corps, Save the Children, and other organizations on the ground to provide relief and emergency services to victims of the earthquake and tsunami.

ARK – Animal Refuge Kansai
A non-profit organization to provide relief and resources to the animals made homeless by the earthquake and tsunami. Visit their website for more info and to donate online.


Share this post: blog it, post it to Facebook, Tweet it, email this info out. Lend a hand, provide support. Pray for Japan.



With love and prayer,

[Review] Hey Rosetta! live in Vancouver


Hey Rosetta!
with special guests Gramercy Riffs
The Rio Theatre – Vancouver, BC
March 5th, 2011

Newfoundland’s own Hey Rosetta! returned to Vancouver to play two sold-out shows at the Rio Theatre. Belle (aka my music savvy chemist friend) and I were lucky enough to snag tickets to the second night of the sold-out concerts. I have been a huge and loyal fan of theirs since 2007 and between the two of us, we have seen the indie East Coast band play live five times.


Continue reading

007 is a woman

Daniel Craig (aka Bond, James Bond) is featured in a two-minute short commissioned for International Women’s Day.

The video also features background commentary by Dame Judi Dench who highlights inequalities between men and women.

Good message, but did 007 really need to be in drag to get the point across? Meh.




later days,

[Music Video] – Black Red Yellow


I may be biased, but this is by far the best version of Wiz Khalifa’s Black & Yellow I have seen yet.


Black Red Yellow,
That’s my team.
Old school,
Way before the blue and green.

Need I say more? Check out Terell Safadi’s cover below.


Black Red Yellow – Terell Safadi



[via HeadToTheNet]



later days,

Brick by Brick–Arctic Monkeys

The Arctic Monkeys uploaded a new song to their YouTube channel today. The teaser will be featured on their upcoming fourth studio album.

Check it out!

Brick by Brick – Arctic Monkeys

What do  you think? Like? Dislike? Comment below.

later days,


You’re still here?


Things have been crazy lately, hence the lack in blog updates. Hopefully once my midterms get out of my way and my schedule has simmered down, I can upload more delicious content for your enjoyment. In the meantime, thanks for sticking around.



later days,




Make Light — Passion Pit