Monthly Archives: January 2010

Vancouver: World’s Beautiful City

Last week, Forbes listed the most beautiful cities in the world and Vancouver made the hotlist!

Forbes surveyed “city specialists”, including urban planners, architects, and sustainable developers. They noted Vancouver for our coast mountains, eco-friendly green space, and Stanley Park.

World’s Beautiful Cities 2010 by Forbes:

Paris, France
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Sydney, Australia
Florence, Italy
Venice, Italy
Cape Town, South Africa
San Francisco, CA, U.S.A.
Chicago, IL, U.S.A.
New York City, NY, U.S.A.
London, England
Cambridge, England
Tokyo, Japan



Amazing time-lapse video of the City of Vancouver.

Vancouver City

(photo source)


Be My Love – Matt Morris

Marcus Foster hits 1 million!


Congratulations to Marcus Foster on reaching one million plays on his MySpace. What a great achievement!



CLIP OF THE WEEK – 1/24/10

It’s like my two loves have come together — science and puppies!

16 Golden Retrievers + Atoms = Science

[Kudos to Ivy for the link]

Live chat with Peter Facinelli



Star of The Twilight Saga and Showtime’s Nurse Jackie, Peter Facinelli, dropped by Saturday evening for a live chat with fans.

I asked two questions (Other than the people, what did you like most about my hometown Vancouver? and After a hard day’s work on set, what do you like to do to unwind?), but neither were answered. With only less than one hour to chat with fans and thousands of questions and comments posed from fans around the world, PFach couldn’t respond to all of them.

Below is the Q&A:

Peter Facinelli:
Hey this is Peter. Thanks for coming, everyone! Sorry I’m a little late — I had bad reception and was watching The Tooth Fairy 🙂

Peter playing the role of Carlisle must be a lot different than Dr. Fitch Cooper because obviously Carlisle is a vampire, but are there any other difference?

They’re 180 degrees apart. Carlisle is a very calming figure and the foundation and rock of a family.
Cooper is a lot more energetic and immature than Carlisle.
I think the only thing they have in common is they both wear white coats.

Hello Peter, I am a 30-something fan of yours from Colorado. First I’d like to just say that you brought the character of Carlisle to life on the screen and added a lot of dimension to him so thank you for your performance. My question is: Are you glad you did the Twilight Saga (not that it’s quite done yet) and where would you like to see your career go from here? Thank you so much for your time!

I’m very excited to be a part of the Twilight Saga. It’s very rare for a movie to have this kind of effect on people and to be a cultural phenomenon.
I try to do things that I haven’t done before – hopefully I’ll continue to do so, and continue to surprise the audience and surprise myself.

Kim Sullivan:
Hey. I’ve seen a lot of your interviews and I’ve noticed that you are never asked any of the basic questions! Like, what’s your favorite song?

You know, I have such an eclectic taste when it comes to music, so that’s a very difficult question for me. I’ll listen to everything from Eminem to Elvis Presley to The Beatles.
Don’t have a favorite band that I listen too — kind of like a little bit of everything.

What is your favorite thing about playing a vampire?

I think being a vampire is fun because you get to live forever.
As an actor, the coolest thing about playing a vampire is that vampires are cool right now, so it’s fun to play one.

Charlotte, London:
Hi Peter, Hope you are well! Q: If you could be any character other than your own in the saga, who would that be and why? Thank You for all the time you give to us fans on twitter! xx

Edward, for a bunch of reasons, if I were younger would be a great character to play. If I couldn’t play Edward I’m quite happy playing the dad. I don’t think the apple falls far from the tree.

Can you play any instruments and are you a good singer? ;D

I always sing in the shower.
I can play maybe 2 songs on the guitar — Blackbird (Beatles) and La Bamba.

Do you have a dream role you’d like to play, if so what?

I don’t know what that is — I like having scripts come to me and they either strike a chord with me or not.
When I was younger, I always wanted to play Spiderman…but that didn’t happen.
There are some genres I’d like to play in- westerns, action, romantic comedy.
There are some things I’ve been writing, and hopefully I can get financing and make those films.

Who inspired you to act?

My inspirations were Paul Newman and Robert Redford – Saw a movie "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" and those guys looked like they were having a lot of fun and I decided that’s what I wanted to do.
Now I like Sean Penn and what he’s doing. Gary Oldman. I like to be surprised by an actor – you never know what you’re going to get and they don’t play the same role.
I try to take on contrasting roles, like Carlisle and Cooper.

Team Taylor or Team Robert?

haha – I gotta go Team Robert. he’s my family. I love Taylor, but Rob plays my son so I got to keep it in the family.
But as far as the real actors in the film — I think they’re both immensely talented and I support both of them.

Mica from Czech Republic:
If you’re not an actor, what would be your job?

I’d be working at Blockbusters so I could watch a lot of movies.
If I could do something else in the entertainment industry I’d be either a director or a writer…I’d have to be able to tell a story one way or another. I’m writing now and hope to direct some day.
Would like to do all 3 one day – write, direct and act.

Jess Cardoso (foforks):
Hi Peter, i’ve 14 years old, and i’m from Brazil, i wanted to ask you how was the fight scenes in Eclipse for you? And the preparation, it was hard?

The fight scenes prep was tedious but fun. I enjoyed it immensely. Going to work and training, doing fight choreography and working out was fun. We had about 5 weeks to prep, so every day we were working really hard.
It wasn’t like digging ditches, but it was fun to be able to go in and be a part of that. It became very competitive within the cast.

Blair aka Crystal Sparda:
What actors do you want to work with in the future?

I’d love to work with Clint Eastwood, Sean Penn, Denzel Washington, Robert De Niro and Al Pacino. I’ve been really fortunate to work with some really great, talented people in my career and I’m looking forward to continuing that.

Thanks to Peter for stopping by and sharing his time with us. Thanks to everyone for making this such an awesome chat. Now go watch the movie!

Really excited to be part of the Showtime family, and that the Twilight saga is premiering on Showtime. I hope everyone really enjoys it.



[Q&A transcribed and edited from]

BooBoo Stewart Meet & Greet

Saturday afternoon, hundreds of Twilight fans packed Metropolis @ Metrotown in Burnaby, BC to meet BooBoo Stewart — Seth Clearwater in the next installment of The Twilight Saga film franchise, Eclipse.

It was great to see a huge turnout for the young actor/musician who recently turned 16 years old. I, myself, felt pretty old standing amongst the “children” in line-up (most, being twice their age!). Thankfully, @RobbedMyHeart was with me and we had fun trying to hide from paparazzi cameras hoping not to be caught.

Sometime during the first 15 minutes of the meet-and-greet, a bunch of tweens sang “Happy Birthday” to Stewart. Soon, the whole line-up joined in. Stuffed animals, candies, and cards quickly piled up in the corner of Stewart’s table as birthday gifts from his many fans.

It was funny seeing the passersby gawk at posters surrounding the ropes and going “Who the heck is BooBoo?” Well, soon enough you’ll see, and you’ll be sorry you never met him!

Are you compatible with BooBoo? Find out now! LOL.

After waiting a little over one hour in line, @RobbedMyHeart and I were finally able to meet Stewart. While the hundreds of tween girls were eager to give Stewart a big ol’ hug, I refused to. Instead, I flashed him a big smile, gave him a firm handshake, and wished him a happy birthday. The age difference is too great. And after seeing the posters of him at the mall — I didn’t feel like hugging him. Sure, this guy’s a cutie and his abs are majorly chiseled, but looking at those posters of his near-naked self made me feel a tad on the pervy side (especially at how the twelve-year-olds were drooling). I dunno, maybe that’s just me. Nonetheless, @RobbedMyHeart and I had a good laugh about it.

The meet-and-greet was made possible by The George Caceres Foundation. This was supposed to be a charity event, but we were not asked for donations nor were there any banners supporting the foundation that I could see. I am not too sure what the aim of Saturday’s event was, but you can visit The George Caceres Foundation website by clicking HERE for more information.

(Photos courtesy of @canucklehead07 & @RobbedMyHeart)


Ugly Girl – 100 Monkeys (live @ Venue in Vancouver)

[Kudos to @RobbedMyHeart]

CLIP OF THE WEEK – 1/17/10

Victoria Salmon Kings goal against the Bakersfield Condors on 1/15/10


Lisztomania – Phoenix


Red Heart – Hey Rosetta!